Hai kak,
Paket dengan no resi SPXID035792227688 sudah dalam pengiriman, sbb:
30/08/2023 10:01 [Poasia Hub] Your parcel has been delivered to [Shopee Xpress TALITA]
30/08/2023 06:34 [Poasia Hub] Your parcel is being delivered to [Shopee Xpress TALITA]
30/08/2023 03:17 [Poasia Hub] Your parcel has been received by delivery hub
https://cekresi.com/?r=w&noresi=SPXID035792227688. Apabila terjadi kesalahan dalam pengiriman paket, bisa kamu cek di sini untuk info lebih lanjut https://cekresi.com/plus/article/status-paket-sudah-terkirim-delivered-tapi-barangnya-belum-diterima-apa-yang-harus-saya-lakukan.
Terima kasih
Cekresi. com Answered question 05/09/2023