status paket tidak bergerak estimasi sampai tgl 20 ini blm sampai tolong segera di kirim terimakasih
Cekresi. com Answered question
Hai kak,
Paket dengan no resi SPXID03973777302C sedang dalam proses pengiriman, sbb:
18/12/2023 20:32 [Rancaekek DC] Your parcel is being transported to [Cakung DC]
18/12/2023 17:35 [Rancaekek DC] Your parcel has been received by sorting center
18/12/2023 16:17 [Solokan Jeruk First Mile Hub] Your parcel is being transported to [Rancaekek DC] Bisa kamu cek disini untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai masalah paket yang terhenti
Terima kasih
Cekresi. com Answered question