Kenapa nyasaaar

820 viewsShopee Express

SPXID040661026861 kenapa sudah nyasar gak jelas peeeshooppppeeeeee???????

Kalau ngantuk tidoooor booss

Cekresi. com Answered question 02/02/2024
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Hai kak,

Paket dengan no resi SPXID040661026861 sedang dalam proses pengiriman, sbb:

02/02/2024 07:24 [Pakuan Ratu Hub] Your parcel has been received by delivery hub
01/02/2024 20:34 [Lampung DC] Your parcel is being transported to [Way Kanan Hub]
31/01/2024 11:24 [Lampung DC] Your parcel has been received by sorting center, silahkan ditunggu terlebih dulu.

Terima kasih

Cekresi. com Answered question 02/02/2024
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