Kenapa pamet saya blom tiba, sedangkan estimasi tgl 1 dah harus terima.mohon di followup.

250 viewsShopee Express

SPXID03206574210A nomer resi

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Hai kak,

Paket dengan no resi SPXID03206574210A sedang dalam proses pengiriman, sbb:

31/10/2023 06:38 [Kosambi First Mile Hub] Your parcel is being transported to [Cakung DC]
31/10/2023 02:23 [Kosambi First Mile Hub] Your parcel has been received by pickup hub
31/10/2023 00:35 [Kosambi First Mile Hub] Your parcel has been picked up Bisa kamu cek disini untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai masalah paket yang terhenti

Terima kasih

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