Paket dengan no resi SPXID055809031123
Sudah 9 hari belum sampai
Cekresi. com Answered question 6 hours ago
Hai kak,
Paket dengan no resi SPXID055809031123 dalam proses pengiriman, sbb:
05/03/2025 22:45 Parcel [TO20250304P7B6G] transporting to [Aceh DC]
05/03/2025 16:19 [Cengkareng DC] Your parcel has been received by sorting center
05/03/2025 14:26 Parcel [TO20250305PGB2O] transporting to [Cengkareng DC]
Bisa kamu cek disini untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai masalah paket yang terhenti
Terima kasih
Cekresi. com Answered question 6 hours ago