Hai kak,
Paket dengan no resi SPXID042129738577 sedang dalam proses pengiriman, sbb:
08/08/2024 16:35 [Mimika Baru Hub] Your parcel is being returned to the sorting center
08/08/2024 16:35 [Mimika Baru Hub] Your parcel has been received by delivery hub
08/08/2024 12:05 [Mimika Baru Hub] Your parcel is on-hold. Reason: [Receiver Not On Location]
https://cekresi.com/?r=w&noresi=SPXID042129738577, kami sarankan membuat laporan ke pihak https://spx.co.id/.
Terima kasih
Cekresi. com Answered question 09/08/2024