Hai kak,
Paket dengan no resi SPXID04367141591A sedang dalam proses pengiriman, sbb:
19/10/2024 18:11 [Cengkareng DC] Your parcel is being transported to [Medan DC]
19/10/2024 08:18 [Cengkareng DC] Your parcel has been received by sorting center
19/10/2024 06:15 [Transit Point Tangerang 1 DC] Your parcel is being transported to [Cengkareng DC]
Bisa kamu cek disini untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai masalah paket yang terhenti https://cekresi.com/plus/article/paket-tidak-bergerak-dan-status-tidak-berubah-ini-penyebab-dan-solusinya.
Terima kasih
Cekresi. com Answered question